Newton vs Shakepay | Which is Canada’s Best Cryptocurrency Exchange?

There are many different Canadian Crypto exchanges on the market. The real questions is which is the best one to sign up to? Newton and Shakepay are currently the two largest crypto exchanges in Canada but which one is better? Watch the video below to find out!

Newton Vs Shakepay

As you can see Newton has 9 coins available on their exchange including stable coins. These is important in cases you want to day trade. Stable coins allow you to store coins which values that are equal the the US or Canadian dollar. You don’t need to worry about their volatility. Newton charges less fees in comparison to Shakepay.

Winner: Newton

I personally use newton and find their transfer speed to be much faster than what is stated. It is also very convenient that I can connect my Bank Account to Newton. This allows for even fast withdrawals.

Winner: Newton

Both exchanges has very low exchange fees compared to other crypto exchanges. As you can see the Buy/Sell spread % on Newton is a little less than Shakepay.

Winner: Newton

Both exchanges have awesome security and have yet to be hacked.

Winner: Tie

Personally I like the Newton layout much better. A modern approach with a slick dark theme.

Winner: Newton


Even though both exchanges are great and almost equal in features. I personally use Newton. It has over 9 different coins on its exchange and fast deposit and withdrawals. My advice for Canadians is to sign up to Newton and then sign up to Binance if you are interested in having more Alt Coins to invest into. Don’t forget to support the site and click the referral links below to sign up to either exchange and get a cashback BONUS!

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